Sunday, May 20, 2007

Amy's Bridal Shower (5/19/07)

May 19th, 2007..... Bridal Shower for Amy G. .... Jay's lovely "Bride To Be".... Shower thrown by Jay's Mom, Cindy.... The start of many more wonderful events to follow.... All leading up to their wedding day..... September 8th, 2007.....

Amy G..... THE BRIDE TO BE..... Awaiting the start of her shower....

And the winner is..... This striking gift came from Cindy.... Doesn't Amy look like the beautiful starlit receiving her "AWARD"...... This one should have been put in with the "Glam Photos" following later....
Starting things out on a blushing note for Amy.... (from me) Thought this color would be perfect on her....

Matching cups for the "married couple to be" One cup says, "I Do" and the other "Me Too" (Another part of my gift package)....

And for those romantic evnings, a little candle light.... (from my gift package)

Another blushing moment for the "Bride To Be"...... As you can see, I wasn't the only one thinking this is a good color for our young "Bride To Be".....

Hmmmmm?? Wonder what this might be???.....

Well... let's open it and see....
A Kitchen Aide ..... What every new wife should have.....

And many, many more gifts to follow....

Uh oh... Another blushing moment coming up...

And...moving on....

Cindy working on the Bride's special Bridal hat....

MONEY!!!! Oh yeah.... always a special place for that in any home....
And more MONEY!!! Keep it coming!!...
What's this?? More MONEY!!!.... (Just remember, Jay... this is a "BRIDAL SHOWER"... All gifts for the "BRIDE")... Now she may be willing to share, but that'll be up to you to figure out.... lol

Cindy's finished the "special" Bridal head piece.... Good job Cindy!!
Time to place it on Amy's waiting head.... (You couldn't wait for this moment... Right Amy??!)

Lovely.... just lovely!!....

This could make a lovely bridal headpiece, don't you think??....

Can't tell you how many times I picked this statue up and then put it back when I was shopping for her gifts.... Now I know why I didn't buy it.... Somebody else already had the same idea.... Just love this statue..... It says so much....
So there you go, Amy..... You're off to a good start.....