Monday, June 16, 2008

Pillows & Blankets

I'm not sure how this started, but there they were hauling pillows into the living room and throwing them on the floor.... It looked like a good idea to me, and I soon found myself helping them gather pillows from all over the house and throwing them in with the others... Each one was placed about carefully by the boys and then they ran about jumping and plunging into them..... Looked like lots of fun... I was almost tempted to join them... But had the good sense to remember I was no longer the child I would have liked to have been right then....

Then blankets were brought out to help fill in the gaps between the pillows.... It was a definite art on how each pillow and each blanket was to be spread about the floor.....

Charlie thought that because he was buried deep within the pillows, Gramma wasn't able to see him....

What fun it was to watch our darling little grandsons play and use their imaginations....


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