Saturday, August 02, 2008

Testing Merredith's Taste Buds

Now those of you who know (and love me?), also know what a finicky eater I am... To the point it's down right embarrassing for me at times..... not to mention frustrating for those friends considering inviting me to their home for meals... You should know that Cindy and John went to a great deal of effort to provide good and interesting recipes for us..... And everyone enjoyed their meals with great relish.... except for ... (you guessed it).... me..... Thankfully they were great sports about it and didn't make too much of a fuss over my lack of enthusiasm in trying out new dishes.....

Vicky helping Cindy put together a broccli and cauliflower salad....

Now we're talking.... A chocolate Eclair cake.... Right up my alley... and oh so good..... (I got that recipe).....

Now noting the burgers on the grill below, don't go thinking these are just any ordinary burgers.... No way!! These, my friends, are Buffalo Burgers!!! Yep... Buffalo Burgers!!! Now who out there thinks for one minute this girl is going to eat one of them... Doesn't matter how good they look or smell or how much everyone loved them.... It just wasn't going to happen.... Note the two chicken breasts on the grill.... Guess who they're for....

We drove by a Buffalo farm one day, so I of course had to have Cindy stop so I could snap a picture of one of the lucky ones who didn't make it to their grill..... Or anyone else's for that matter... at least for that moment in time....

Now here's another delectable dish for the sea food lovers out there.... John's grilled salmon.... Looked good... Even I had to admit to that... but eating it was another story.... Although Cindy was able to convince me to try a tiny piece later.... And as she put it, now I can say,"I've tried it, and I don't like it".... Chicken for Merredith again!!! This time I shared with Vicky too... Seems she's not all that big on salmon herself.... I know a few of you out there are thinking we're nuts... and I agree... but that's what I'm saying about the embarrassment of being such a finicky eater... People go all out to give you the best and you're the "one" in the group saying, "No thank you".....

Another evening, John fixed us stuffed chicken legs... Now they were very good... I especially liked the stuffing he used.... Here he's showing Val how he puts it all together....

Looks good doesn't it!!!....

I really enjoyed this jello dessert.... and it's very easy to make, although time consuming.... You have to let each layer set before applying the next... But well worth the time and wait.... I made sure I got that recipe too....

Now this isn't just any mixture of berries... Note the yellow ones in there.... They're another form of raspberry.... I did try them... and I did like them.... Mayabe there's hope for me yet??

There were plenty more fine dishes during our visit..... Some home made banna bread for one, which I forgot to upload for this post...... Anyway..... one of these days I'm going to learn how to appreciate good food .... Meanwhile, I'm so thankful for such good and understanding friends who lovingly and patiently put up with me and my finicky ways....


Blogger Tasha Lehman said...

Just sprinkle some parmesan cheese on it...maybe you'll like it...hehehe

12:49 PM  

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