Monday, August 20, 2007

Booneville Woodsmans' Day

August 19th, 2007.... Bruce and I hooked up with our good friends, Vaughn and Debbie Shoen and after loading up the car with all kinds of snack food and drinks, we hit the road towards Booneville, NY for the National Woodsmans' Competition.... On our way we passed by the much talked about windmills.... They gave you the feeling, as we passed by, that you just stepped into a sci-fi movie....

Once we hit Boonville, we parked our car and headed out to the All You Can Eat Breakfast held at the Masonic Temple.....

My plate.....

Then we had to find yet another place to park the car for the Woodsmans' Competition... People were charging as much as $5.00 for parking spots... We found this really neat little parking space for only a $1.00... Debbie grabbing her camera and we were on our way....

If you like tools (all sizes and shapes), large machinery, and lots and lots of wood.... this is the place for you....

A small glimpse of beauty amongst all the man stuff....

The view as we entered the field.....

Vaughn checking out some kind of tool or man like accessory.....

Wood of all kinds and sizes and shapes to be found lying about everywhere...

One of several chainsaw carvers to be found throughout the grounds.....

Some of their work......

How bout these for tire chains??.....

Doing some "Window" shopping......

Bruce and Vaughn discussing glove lengths....

Wrench anyone??.....

Couple of the signs found throughout the grounds... There were all kinds of food temptations along the way.....

Bruce enjoying the sights around him.......

This signs says with this piece of equipment you can just let your imagination go.... Thought of you, Klaus.....

This area is where they were pre-cutting logs for the competition events to follow.....

Thought this license plate fitting for the day.....

The stands before they started filling up.....

The playing field.....

The MC's..... They stood there for nearly 4 hours, constantly talking and cracking jokes throughout the competition..... Bet they were tired by the day's end.....

The coveted Trophy......

The log rolling competition..... (Unfortunately..... I coudn't get any real clear shots due to the chain fence between me and the competitor.... boy did I covet the professional photographers who were allowed right down there in the midst of it all)

Jack & Jill Competition....

Here is one of the competitors being interviewed by a Japenese reporter and his camera man... That's right.... The event made National news .... May even hit ESPN....

Not sure the name of this event, but the gentleman in these next two photos is Mike Sullivan.... Seems he was one of the local favorites.... He did come out ahead in many of the competitions...

Chain Saw competition...... Boy was that loud!!!....

One of the other competitions.... didn't catch the name of this one either.... sorry.....

I think this one was called the "under hand" ...... Looked a tad dangerous to me... These guys had to stand ON THE LOG and chop it in half.... Hope they were wearing steel toes in those sneakers....

After sitting on those hard benches for such a long time, it felt real good to finally get up and move about a bit... Once the competition was over, we walked around a the grounds a little more to see what we could find to eat... I decided on some fried dough... Of course had to have sugar on it.... Debbie couldn't resist snapping this picture of how neat I was as I devoured it....

Day's events behind us.... A little weary, but still able to look back on our day and say we had a GREAT TIME.....

Vaughn and Debbie heading off towards the car...... How romantic.... Never too old or married too long to still hold hands with the one you love.....

Another great day spent with special friends.... Good idea Vaughn.... Look forward to the next adventure..... Who's turn to pick the next fun day??


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